How To Say Sorry To Your Wife Or Husband Using 7 Steps

how to say sorry to your wife husbandLearning how to say sorry to your wife or husband is a great skill to have in your marriage, and life.
During our first year of marriage, we viewed apologies differently than we do now.
Neither one of us was willing to say sorry. 🙁
Which made things worse, and showed how selfish we were!

You probably have experienced it too.

In marriage, you are very likely have a fight or an argument with your spouse.
You might feel awful about it, and sometimes be wrong.

But you will have to accept your mistakes!
If you are wondering about whether to say sorry or not, you have to say it!
You don’t have to be the one in the wrong to apologize.

Sometimes there is no right and wrong, but simply a difference of opinion.

Saying sorry was admitting I was the one in the wrong, and took a hit at my pride, while expecting an apology back.
When I didn’t get one, it made me angry because I felt we should both apologize and move on.
Now, saying sorry is part of our marriage, in a different way, and is probably said more frequently with all the added stress and hormones from my pregnancy. 
It’s not as hard to say anymore because I’m looking at just myself and not expecting anything back.
“I’m sorry I snapped at you” and “I’m sorry I should have been more patient” are typically what I apologize for.
For me it’s a verbal recognition that I messed up, but I know Marcus doesn’t deserve to be spoken to, or treated that way so I will try better next time.
And you know what? He apologizes and says sorry more frequently too. – Ashley

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Saying sorry gets easier once you truly understand what it means to you.

And your spouse.
Isn’t it nice to hear that your spouse recognizes that he/she made a mistake?
And that he/she will try to be better next time?
You want to treat your spouse the way you want to be treated, and this is one way to encourage that.
We are all imperfect humans and we will make a mistake here or there.
And it’s important that when you make these mistakes you own them.
And grow from them; making an effort to become better next time.
It shouldn’t be a battle of pride!
As husband or wife, you have to put your pride aside to become one, and grow together with your spouse.
It’s part of becoming selfless and adjusting to married life.

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Here are 7 simple steps to saying sorry to your wife or husband.

1. Admit you are wrong!
2. Admit that you have hurt your spouse’s emotions.
3. Let you spouse know how sorry you are. It must be an honest and sincere; not something you say to please your spouse.
A sincere apology will also help build trust in your marriage.
4. Be humble. Ask your husband or wife to forgive you.
Do not write it, saying it is the best way.
If you cannot verbalize it, what is preventing you?
Learn how to communicate with your spouse today.
5. Forgive yourself.
Sometimes the pain you caused is so hard you will find it difficult to forgive yourself.
6. Show and tell your spouse what you are going to do to prevent this mistake again.
7. Action speaks louder than words.
Put your words into action, and commit to not repeating the same mistake, causing the same issue or problem again.

Saying sorry is just the first step.

When you tell your spouse you are sorry for something, it doesn’t make everything okay.
It simply means you acknowledge that something isn’t right. And you have to follow it with an effort to do better next time.
You might repeat the same mistake(s) again, but ask yourself:
* Why am I hurting myself, and my spouse?
* Why can’t I stop doing this mistake?
* How can my wife or husband help me to stop repeating this same mistake(s).
* Do I need external help?
Asking yourself questions like these would help you to become better, and not repeat the same mistakes.

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Know that your spouse also feels the pain.

In the early years of our marriage, I spent money we had not agreed upon.
I invested it on buying an item I thought I was going to resell FAST to make a quick profit, but did not happen.
Then the time came for us to use that money for something else and I had not sold the item yet.
Ashley asked me why I did not let her know, even though I had good intentions for investing the money.
She was emotionally hurt, and felt betrayed. It was an awful feeling for me, talk about financial infidelity!  
And that could have ended our marriage but we worked through it.
What really helped us get through this pain I had caused was sitting down with Ashley, and explaining to her why I invested the money on that item.
I also accepted that I had done something wrong by not speaking to her first about spending the extra money, and committed to not repeating it again.
The commitment I made to Ashley, and myself helped me to not repeat this mistake again. – Marcus

Now, go the extra mile.

You love you spouse, so why not go the extra mile for him/her?
There are many ways to say sorry, some work great for women, and while some work great for men.
Below are some bonus ways to say sorry to your spouse.
We have used them in our marriage, and believe they will also help you in your marriage.

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Bonus ways to further your apology to your wife.

1. Give her a passionate hug after sincerely admitting you are sorry.
2. Buy her favorite flowers for her or if she is pregnant a pregnancy gift. AND add a note saying, “I’m sorry” to it.
3. Help her with the house chores like washing the dishes when your favorite show is on.
4. Learn how she feels, say you are sorry and mean it.

Bonus ways to further your apology to your husband.

1. Cook his favorite meal, and surprise him at launch time. The way to a mans heart is through his mouth! (At least in our case)
2. Show him you respect and appreciate him.
3. Give him a passionate hug, works like magic for men too.
4. Learn how he feels like your sorry and mean it.

Would you become a weaker spouse for saying sorry?

Being wrong, feeling embarrassed, admitting you are wrong and saying sorry does not mean you are a weak spouse.  
Or your world is coming to an end.
It means:
You are mature enough to admit your own mistakes, apologize for them wholeheartedly, and commit to not making the same mistakes again.
The best thing you can do is to learn how to say sorry to your spouse in a sincere way. And committing to not repeating the same mistake again.

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