22 Signs He’s A Player


As soon as Tuthmosis dropped “24 Signs She’s A Slut” like an atom bomb on the fem-o-sphere, sluts were set back a decade in their quest to hide their promiscuity. The post provided such superlative advice for how to micro-target for easy sex that I felt it was necessary to even the playing
field for our female fans.
There isn’t a girl alive who will admit that she likes being played. Ladies, if you’ve ever wanted to figure out whether your mystery man is getting some other action on the side, you are in for a treat. Here’s your guide to spotting cads while trying to find your tame, submissive, and monogamous dream man.

Black Knight’s List of Top Cad Characteristics:

1. He is in good shape. In a country where 2/3 of adult population is overweight or obese, you won’t see many tubby guys getting sex from high-quality girls.

2. Approached you, especially during the day. As Roosh wrote in Day Bang, “the average man will die before doing a cold approach while sober.” If he proactively approached you and you weren’t immediately “creeped out” (woman-speak for any attention from men they find unattractive) you can be sure he’s got a lot of practice.

3. Pushes for sex on the first date. Players know that modern girls are flakes. Whether they put value on the immediate one night stand is immaterial — they know they have to push the interaction as far as possible to get the girl invested and maximize the chance she will return.

4. Is evasive or mysterious about mushy personal things. You’re unlikely to hear about a player’s dreams, aspirations, insecurities, etc.  Good players don’t want to tell you anything that could be used against them, and really, what’s the use of opening up to someone you don’t view as a potential partner?

5. Is in a band, especially as guitarist or lead singer. With a constant stream of young groupies at their fingertips, why would any of these guys commit to you?

6. Refuses to meet your friends. If you delight in the chase you know that a girl’s friends are never your allies. At best they are neutral observers, most often they are saboteurs and haters. After all, why should their friend enjoy some fun with a mysterious stud if they’re not getting any attention themselves? They are also spies who will report any sightings of you to their friend.

7. Reticent to spend lots of money on you. Everybody knows the simp’s go-to maneuver is the expensive dinner first date. Players flip the script because they know there’s no upside to trying to buy a girl’s attraction. If he suggests you split a bag of skittles for dinner, you’re staring down sexual checkmate.

8. Won’t see you more than two times a week – A player’s time is valuable, whether it’s being used for gaming other girls, making money, or enjoying leisure time. As part of the harem, you’re not going to get more than the occasional bone thrown your way.

9. Has friends who are good with girls. Players don’t hang out with simps. Period.

10. Could be described as charming. How many socially awkward guys do you know who are getting trim on the regular?

11. Often doesn’t want to see you on the weekend. The weekend is a time for precious rejuvenation and rebirth. For the hardcore 24/7 players, this is when they’re beating the bushes for new prospects. For the introverted players, it’s the time when they unwind solo and prepare for another week in the game.

12. All of your dates involve alcohol. Feminists will undoubtedly misinterpret this and brand me as a proto-rapist thought criminal. The fact is, most players want to avoid getting a girl sloppy drunk. However, they also know that sharing just  drink or two will make it easier to get sex by an order of magnitude.

13. He has a wide face. Biomechanics is your friend in your quest to root out cads. Men with wider faces are more likely to have higher testosterone levels, and therefore are more likely to seek sexual novelty.

14. Is secretive about his phone – He knows that, because you possess a vagina, you are going to try to snoop as soon as you get the chance.
A phone is to a player what a light saber is to a Jedi.” – Danger and Play

15. His phone is always blowing up OR you have never heard it. The bolder playeratii will not care to hide their dalliances with other women because they can use jealousy to their advantage. The stealthier guys will make their phones a complete non-factor when you’re together.

16. Is resistant to any innovative date ideas after getting sex. Why should this guy waste time on taking you to the zoo or ice skating if he got what he came for?

17. Avoids PDA at all costs, especially if he’s better looking than you. The player needs some plausible deniability should he run into one of his other conquests. He also doesn’t want to devalue himself in the eyes of women or other men if he’s punching below his weight.

18. He forgets which stories he’s told you. The most surgical players have a cache of go-to anecdotes, one liners, and pontifications that they unleash on any new prospect to build attraction. If you’re hearing about his skydiving adventure or his palm reading skills for the third time, he’s used this script before.

19. Doesn’t give a shit about Facebook. He knows that social networking puts him squarely on the grid, and also that “getting your Facebook” actually decreases his odds of having sex with you. A small subset of players will embrace the opposite extreme and have a prodigious Facebook presence with tons of female “friends,” but most player Facebook accounts will be locked up like the farmer’s daughter on prom night.

20. Not anxious to please you. Have you noticed that most men have bent over backwards to accommodate you since around the age of 14? This behavior will be conspicuously absent in players. They will be less willing to put up with your crap and will act like they have other options. Because they do.

21. Doesn’t call or text you beyond the bare minimum. With lots of balls in the air, it’s impractical for the player to devote significant energy to any single one.

22. Will only meet up when there’s the prospect of sex. Lunch at your favorite place between work meetings? Taking a walk around the park? Getting together while you’re on your period? The veteran player will avoid these like the plague.
Men, if you work some of these characteristics into your persona you’ll improve your success with women instantly, have more power in dating, and free up time to focus on more important things.
Now for the ladies — I’ve given you a great blueprint for avoiding the kinds of men you profess to despise, but I fear it will inevitably fall on deaf ears. You are innately and viscerally attracted to men who display these characteristics, which is why many of us have worked hard to develop them as second nature. Sorry.
For the majority of you, only when your sexual marketplace value falls will you make good on your cries of “hating players” and “just try to find a nice guy.” If you’re finally at this point, follow this advice to the letter and you will live happily ever after…at least until the divorce.

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